
Early Registration
by October 1, 2012
Late Registration
after October 1, 2012
 Registration fee     60,00 €

80,00 €

- The fees include all coffee breaks; other meals are at your own expense.

- Registration and payment of fees will be handled via the conference webpage;
fees can be paid by way of bank transfer and credit card.

- Please register and pay the conference fees before 1 October 2012.

- Presenters are required to pay their registration fee by 22 October in order to
maintain their position in the program.

Online Registration is now closed. Please register onsite!

Onsite Registration will be possible from Thursday, November 25th 8:00 am on.

15th Anniversary Conference of the Work Group Medical Anthropology of the German Anthropological Association e.V. | Dr.-Karl-Lueger-Ring 1  | 1010 Wien